News On Topic 6cb48d490a76abca1c50bb2809430572-991x475 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets

World leaders keep pets because the pets make them more relatable to the public. A few families have never been inaccessible for the public like the popular Justin Trudeau, who even as a Prime Minister offers selfies to random people. From Queen Elizabeth to Vladimir Putin, all world leaders have had pets. Not all the leaders opt for a dog when it comes to the choice of pets.

Bill Clinton’s Socks

Mr.Clinton no longer runs the office of the POTUS, his cat Socks remains a media darling when it comes to the mentioning of pets of the world leaders. Various images about the photographers’ frenzy upon looking at playful Socks have stocked the internet for long. There is hardly any POTUS that has run the office without a First Pet.

News On Topic DSC_0032-1024x682 World Leaders and Their Pets Pets
Bill Clinton’s Socks



King Abdullah

Not only does horse riding remain a powerful game in Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah’s collection of over 1000 horses also adds to the fascination of having a pet horse. Horses are next to dogs in their loyalty to the masters. The king shows a lot of affection for his pets.

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